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A Disturbance in the Air

SKU Regular Chapbook

Regular Chapbook



By Michele Poulos 2012, 40 pages; Series Editors: Peggy Ellsberg, Barbara Fischer, Margo Taft Stever. A Disturbance in the Air is an impactful book of poems that, very generally put, mixes old with new. Poulos landscapes the internality of the poem’s characters—taking the reader through an environment that deals with the very nature of not just the generic and trite label of “nature.” Rather, the poems deal with a poetry of human nature…a poetry of place…a poetry of internal place exemplified through external place.

“In Michele Poulos’ new chapbook of poems, there is a weird equipoise of lyric movement, almost visibly still hammocks of language that work through juxtaposition, through briilliant cupola… I do love this poetry.” –Norman Dubie


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