They Become Stars by Liz Marlow
Regular Chapbook
The 2019 Slapering Hol Press Chapbook Winner’s collection is They Become Stars by Liz Marlow.
“Liz Marlow’s collection is a book of real life horrors revolving around the controversial World War II figure, Chaim Rumkowski, each one exquisitely rendered. The voices of the Holocaust—its victims, its perpetrators—rise wraithlike in these poems, singing clear notes against our collective impulse to turn away…With their arresting imagery and relentless precision, Marlow’s poems leave us, gasping and floodlit in history’s chambers, with nowhere to hide.”
—Francesca Bell
“Liz Marlow’s They Become Stars is a powerhouse of intellect, courage, and poetic dexterity.”
—William Page
Liz Marlow’s poems have appeared in The Carolina Quarterly, The Greensboro Review, The Rumpus, Tikkun, and elsewhere. Additionally, her work has been a finalist for Permafrost Magazine’s New Alchemy Contest and a semi-finalist for the Tomaž Šalamun Prize. She received her MFA from Western Michigan University. She currently lives in Memphis, Tennessee with her husband and two children.