WELCOME TO THE HVWC CALENDAR: home of all our upcoming readings, events and workshops. You can view by list or calendar (see right menu to choose). Click the colored tabs below to show only specific options. Our workshops run as multi-session series or one-day “intensives.” Note, we list the multi-session courses on the first day they meet only. The full dates of the session are described in the course descriptions. You would need to scroll back to the start date if you needed to enroll for something already underway. But do let us know if you want to join something in midstream since we need the blessing of the instructor. Questions? Email us.

Workshops – This category encompasses all one-day and multi-week classes, whether in person or via Zoom.

Readings – Our readings are in many different genres and take place in person, on Zoom, or both!

HVWC Recurring Events – This category encompasses such regular favorites as Open Mic, Open Write, and Submission Sunday.

Special Events – These other creative experiences are sure to interest our creative community!

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Queering the Personal/Political Line: The Documentary Epistolary, a Poetics of Protest and Identity with Subhaga Crystal Bacon (via Zoom)

Hudson Valley Writers Center Philipse Manor Station, Sleepy Hollow, NY, United States

Emily Dickinson famously wrote her “letter to the world that never wrote” to her. In her article, “Queering the Epistolary: On the Radical Potential of Epistolary Poetry," Madeleine Craven says "Poems . . . are letters made public." For Queer poets—indeed, for poets engaged consciously with the socio-political sphere—the world is constantly writing to us […]


Playing Within In-Between Spaces: The Exploration of the Prose and Poetry Hybrid with Shanta Lee (via Zoom)

Hudson Valley Writers Center Philipse Manor Station, Sleepy Hollow, NY, United States

While there still is debate about the mixing of genres, there are many authors who have and continue to boldly go into the area of hybridity inviting us as practitioners and readers to expand how we approach our craft.  As presented in the work of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee,  Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American […]


Midrash: Poetry Workshop with Alicia Ostriker (via Zoom)

Hudson Valley Writers Center Philipse Manor Station, Sleepy Hollow, NY, United States

Midrash writing is a modern adaptation of an ancient rabbinic form–retelling some of the compelling stories in the Bible, from the point of view of the characters. In workshop, we start by re-imagining Adam and Eve, then go on to more complicated tales, discovering what they can mean for us today. Participants work at speed—some […]


The Burning Heart: Finding the Energy in Short Fiction with Karen Auvinen (via Zoom)

Hudson Valley Writers Center Philipse Manor Station, Sleepy Hollow, NY, United States

Short story writer Rick Bass talks about the “burning heart of the story,” the place where the story quickens, where the energy seems to snap and ignite. In this workshop, we’ll learn to recognize the burning heart of a story and practice techniques to locate it. Bring the opening paragraph of a story to work […]


Chiaroscuro: The Poetry of Memory with Tim Seibles (via Zoom)

Hudson Valley Writers Center Philipse Manor Station, Sleepy Hollow, NY, United States

Chiaroscuro:  an effect of contrasted light and shadow created by light falling unevenly or from a particular direction on an object. Our lives and our sense of life are made up of what we remember of lived experience. The memories that we cling to (and those that we try to forget) shape the way we […]


Room To Roam: Writing the Voice of the Body with Edwin Torres (via Zoom)

Hudson Valley Writers Center Philipse Manor Station, Sleepy Hollow, NY, United States

Where are we located in our writer’s world and is that alignment reflected in our work? Part of allowing the creative process its chance to amaze, is to encourage that trigger into amazement. Structured as a creative laboratory, this generative workshop will enrich our natural tri-lingual bodies, our speaking-seeing-hearing body, by bringing our creative capabilities into the […]


Wonder, Awe, and Thinking with David Baker (via Zoom)

Hudson Valley Writers Center Philipse Manor Station, Sleepy Hollow, NY, United States

Please note that this workshop is now sold out! Thanks for all the interest. If you want to be put on the waiting list for this workshop, or have questions about other workshop options, please email [email protected].  In this master-class we’ll examine the long continuum of lyric stances ranging from wonder and awe to assertion and […]


The Art of Dramatic Writing for Stage, Screen, and Television with Bill Bigelow (via Zoom)

Hudson Valley Writers Center Philipse Manor Station, Sleepy Hollow, NY, United States

This is a course designed for writers looking to create screenplays, stage plays, and teleplays for television shows. Paramount in this effort, we will focus on an approach which is necessary in all dramatic writing — the importance of conflict. How we define, pinpoint and create interesting, unusual characters. How structure is the backbone of […]


When Poetry Meets Prose: Prose Poem Generative Workshop with Denise Duhamel (via Zoom)

Hudson Valley Writers Center Philipse Manor Station, Sleepy Hollow, NY, United States

Russel Edson has called the prose poem “a cast-iron aeroplane that can actually fly, mainly because the pilot doesn't seem to care if it does or not,” while the Laura Sullivan explains that the language of prose poems is for “people who don't often get to hold the floor and know at any moment they […]


What New Form Is Your Subject Looking for? With Sharon Dolin (via Zoom)

Hudson Valley Writers Center Philipse Manor Station, Sleepy Hollow, NY, United States

"In poetry you have a form looking for a subject and a subject looking for a form," writes W.H. Auden.In this workshop we'll try out several twenty-first century poetic forms such as the Bop, the Golden Shovel, and the Fib to see how form itself can influence and inspire what we feel an urgency to […]
