Sally Bliumis-Dunn

Sally Bliumis-Dunn teaches and is an Associate Editor-at-Large and featured writer for PLUME. Her poems have  appeared in 32 Poems, New Ohio Review, On the Seawall, The Paris Review, PLUME, Poetry London,  Prairie Schooner, the NYT, PBS NewsHour, upstreet, The Writer’s Almanac, Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-day, and Ted Kooser’s  column, among others. In 2002, she was a finalist for the Nimrod/Hardman Pablo Neruda Prize. Her third full-length collection, Echolocation, was published by Plume Editions/Madhat Press in March, 2018 and was a finalist for the Eric Hoffer Award as well as the Julie Suk Award.