
Our instructors are award-winning poets, novelists, playwrights, and memoirists, and essayists. From first book prize winners to Guggenheim award recipients, they are passionate about teaching each and every Hudson Valley Writers Center student and sharing their expertise. We are fortunate to be able to provide our community with a diverse and dedicated team of teachers who guide our students to develop their craft year-round.

[Instructors listed in no particular order; click on thumbnails to see their bios.]

Edward Hirsch

Edward Hirsch

Alex Dimitrov

Marilyn Nelson

Alicia Ostriker

January Gill O’Neil

JP Howard

Beth Hahn

Nick Makoha

Stephanie Burt

Kofi Antwi

Bani Amor

Helen Phillips

Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond

CMarie Fuhrman


Monica Ferrell

Claire Jimenez

Fred Marchant

Patricia Spears Jones


William Bigelow

Joanne Dobson

Susan Hodara

Chen Chen

Safia Jama

Yerra Sugarman

Amy Holman

Tyree Daye

Peter Bricklebank

Karen Finley

Suzanne Ironbiter


Sean Singer

Nathan McClain

Usha Akella

Barbara Blatner

Danielle Trussoni

Angela Narciso Torres 

Jennifer Franklin

Daniel Lawless

Jonathan Vatner

Suzanne Parker

Jennifer Sperry Steinorth

Janice Lowe

Jessica Cuello

Chris Campanioni

Rosebud Ben-Oni

Kathleen Winter

Justin Wymer

Suzanne Cleary

Katherine Holabird

Mindy Lewis

Rebecca Morgan Frank

Silvina Lopez Medin

Philip F. Clark

David Baker

Tyler Mills

Chaya Bhuvaneswar 

Ivy Eisenberg

Patricia Marx

John James

Frances Richey

Lauren Camp

Jennifer Militello

Melanie S. Hatter

Martha Collins

Joan Houlihan

Erin Hoover

Richie Hofmann

Kristine Esser Slentz​

Nora Raleigh Baskin

David Byron Queen

Leah Umansky

Rachel Hadas

Tina Tocco

Peter Filkins

Allison Wyss

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